Project Rockit Social Leadership Session
In the last week of school, all boys in Year 10 and 11 undertook a seminar on values and social leadership from Project Rockit. This session allowed boys to start to examine their values and what it takes to know yourself, and feel confident enough to stand up for what you believe in. They were presented with a variety of scenarios to learn about themselves.
A key part of the talk was the telling of stories. The presenters, Amal and Ror both told stories to build trust, as well as stories of boys and girls they had presented to before, who had shared key moments where they felt they showed leadership.
In addition, boys were presented with a public speaking challenge. Patrick Robinson, Munir Kamil and Nicholas Riordan all volunteered to talk about a random item for more than a minute with hilarious results. Patrick was given a dog hat, Munir, a squeaky dinosaur and Nick a unicorn headband. All met the challenge confidently and often very creatively. Nick Riordan won the chocolate bar prize. Then we considered why some people feel more comfortable in these situations than others, which was linked by the presenters to standing up for what we believe in.
A lot of relevant ideas for our future leaders of the school.
Ms Lauren Cook
Head of Senior Boys Wellbeing