2018 marks the Centenary of Armistice, and so a solemn occasion for the boys of Berwick Grammar School. To make this year’s Remembrance Day Ceremony special, the boys were asked to present a number of short speeches to talk about what the day means to them. Trent Simpson outlined the full story of John Simpson and his donkey, pointing out that heroes can be born even after mistakes.

Jeremy Mohanraj outlined the tragic stories of the last soldiers to die, and Mithu Gengasuthan talked about the contribution of Indigenous Australians. Mr Ashcroft gave a Canadian perspective, but it was the thoughtful reflection of Max Walton-Briggs of Year 10 that closed the ceremony, reminding us importantly that the values we have as a school, are the same as those the men had at war. Max reminded us of how very important it is that as men of the future, we use those values to ensure peace. What a fitting way to end such an important occasion.

We must also acknowledge the beautiful performance of Psalm 42 by the Senior Concert band. After many years of service, we also welcomed back 2018 Year 12 student Aaron McDonald for his final playing of The Last Post.