SIS Debating Grand Final
The SIS Grand Final was held at St Francis Xavier College (Beaconsfield Campus) on 11 November. After what was quite a difficult debate, Berwick Grammar narrowly missed winning the Grand Final this year.
Students debated the topic ‘that all artists should be paid a living wage by the government.’ For what was a difficult topic, students on both sides of the debate presented some incredibly complex and well-reasoned arguments, highlighting the complexity of living in a welfare state and elucidating the value that the arts contribute to our society.
They spoke with poise and polish, serving as a poignant reminder of how incredibly capable these precocious young people can be.
While disappointed with their loss, the boys were happy with the quality of adjudication, and will undoubtedly have learned much from this experience.
We congratulate these boys on getting this far. With this experience under their belt, they will be in a much better position to contend with next year’s competition.
Mr Sean Pieper
Cultural Coordinator