Time and Space for boys and parents
As part of our commitment to Growing Good Men at Berwick Grammar School, I am delighted to announce that we will be launching the inaugural Time & Space program which will be available to all BGS parents. Our commitment is to ensure our boys have the capacity to be equipped with the emotional literacy required to express their hopes, dreams and fears.
We believe that this program will be a significant event in the life of our community and one which will capture aspirations of our boys and families to be the best version of themselves.
Through the extremely generous support of members of our St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School communities, this internationally recognised program will be offered to families of all boys, Year 7-12 without cost.
This program involves two evenings where boys and parents will have the opportunity to experience appropriate Time & Space to have important and authentic conversations on issues that matter. We want our boys to learn to lead but we know that true leadership involves enriching the lives of others. These two evenings will provide an outstanding platform for the continued growth and development of our boys, but also our school.
Please keep your eyes out for a Save the Date email in the days ahead, followed by a special invitation for ALL Berwick Grammar School families to find the Time & Space to Grow Good Men.
Dr Steven Middleton
Head of Berwick Grammar School