Tournament of Minds
Six teams, comprising of students from Year 3 to 9, represented St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School at the Tournament of Minds (TOM) Regional Finals last Saturday. Well done to all the students who participated; their hard work, enthusiasm and dedication to the problem solving challenges was certainly evident in their preparation, solutions and performances.
Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 girls, Dihini, Caitlyn, Dehansa, Samantha, Hannah, Caitlyn and Tara (pictured) who won the Maths Engineering section. We wish the girls well in their preparations for the upcoming State Finals at La Trobe University on 14 September.
Special mention also to our youngest team, the Year 3 and 4 SMS students, Jessica, Kiara, Ethan, Tahlia, Chiara, Annabelle and Will who achieved Honours in the category of Social Science – a wonderful achievement for their first year competing in TOM!