Use Change to make Change
On Thursday 11 May, students of St Margaret’s Senior School came together with jars of loose change from home, to donate to the charities Growing Cambodia and Vision Sisters/ World Vision Australia. Except there was a twist. Each individual House had the mission of making the longest possible line with their coins. Starting from the Unicorn at the front of the school, each House lined up their coins and it was visually evident that we had collectively raised a large sum of money. Unbelievably, 264 metres of silver coins, totalling $1026 wound throughout the school grounds. This school activity engaged all students and showed that donating something as small as a silver coin can make a significant difference. The event not only reflected the theme Use Change to make Change, but also displayed to students that they can be the change.
One is not born into the world to do everything, but to do something. Henry David Thoreau
Ria Gulshan, Social Service Captain