Victorian Police Force – Cyber Safety
Representatives from the Victorian Police Force recently the spoke with students in Year 10 about the benefits of technology, how to keep themselves and their information safe, the importance of being respectful and questioning things online.
The session highlighted the importance of making good decisions and covered:
- Protecting online information. Encouraged creation of passphrases rather than passwords. Understand terms and conditions before agreeing to them.
- Practise caution around information sharing. Consider who sees the images and videos. Be very mindful of digital footprint. Prospective employers will try and find out all they can before they consider offering a job to an applicant.
- Cyberbullying. The importance of speaking up, supporting the person who is being targeted. Do not join in by sharing or commenting on nasty posts, images or videos. In Australia there are specific laws around Cyberbullying and ways of identifying those involved.
- The importance of self-respect and respecting others. Discussion around not having images on your phone, nor forwarding them. This is exploitation of someone’s privacy, trust and choice and could result in criminal consequence.
- Avoid meeting people online. Never assume anything about their character or intentions.
Students found the session and case studies that were presented, powerful and important reminders about their online safety and that of their friends and siblings.