Welcome Back- Start, Use and Do
It was wonderful to welcome our students back last week. As I stood at the top of St Margaret’s Place, I was overwhelmed by a strong sense of community. I was greeted with lovely smiles that warmed my heart, on what was, a bitterly cold winter’s morning. I was grateful for the cheery, vivacious ‘good mornings’ that I received as girls scurried off to begin the next chapter of the school year. It is these small gestures, which help us all to feel a true sense of belonging. Keep smiling girls!
This theme of belonging was most evident on Friday during the House Athletics Carnival. The oval was a hive of competitive House spirit, laughter, engagement and camaraderie. I continue to be inspired by the outpouring of encouragement and support that St Margaret’s girls offer one another. A wonderful start to the new semester.
A new semester is somewhat of a new beginning. However, rather than starting from scratch you can move forward with confidence, with the benefit of hindsight and hopefully a little more wisdom behind you.
Middle school students will start this new beginning by setting new goals. For the Year 11’s, contemplating leadership roles and for Year 12’s, thoughts will turn to exams and a future beyond St Margaret’s.
As you move forward, I would like you to keep the following in mind;
Start where you are,
Use what you have
Do what you can.¹
Start where you are – do reflect on your past journey, your strengths and weaknesses but you need to start from this point. It is no use in wishing you were elsewhere or someone else because that is just not going to happen. This will only lead to procrastination and negativity.
Use what you have – You have all the resources you need. The most successful people in life do not waste a minute complaining about what they do not have. Just put all your energy into using what is available and get going.
Do what you can – Set realistic goals. Smaller goals are so much easier to achieve. Do not set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are beyond reach. Keep your expectations real and you will achieve them.
Finally, whatever the outcome and whatever wonderful opportunities this semester holds, trust that you have EVERYTHING you need to begin.
I wish that each of your days are filled with continued growth and lots of smiles and laughter.
Mrs Deborrah Francis
Head of Senior Girls, Wellbeing