Welcome to 2017
As the new Principal, I warmly welcome you to a new year at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School.
It is my great pleasure to be here after a number of years working in other schools where I held roles including Acting Principal, Deputy and Vice Principal, Institute Director, Director of Curriculum, Director of Staff Learning, and Head of Senior School. I am looking forward immensely to meeting the students and their families. Families are without doubt at the core of what we do in schools.
The Principal position in a school such as St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar is a role which includes being custodian, guide, leader, teacher, confidant and friend to a diverse community, honouring the past while looking to the future. I will do everything I can to maximise the students’ life choices and enable them to contribute meaningfully on a global stage.
My professional and personal life has focussed on a number of areas including the education of gifted and talented students, science education, education for global citizenship and as the Immediate Past President of the Australian College of Educators (Vic), developments in the teaching profession. I am also passionate about disability advocacy and music education, partly due to my involvement in not for profit organisations with these foci. If any of these are areas of particular interest to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Further, I encourage you to share with me your passions: the world is a rich, challenging and uplifting place in which we can all benefit from the sharing of ideas.
There will be many opportunities for the boys, girls and their families over the next few months to meet each other and staff and get to know more about the programs and activities at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School. I encourage all of you to be a part of these events.
I would especially like to welcome the new members of our community. One thing I know already about St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar is the school’s warmth, professionalism and dedication to its students.
Kind Regards
Ms Annette Rome FACE FACEL