What a Start for Campbell
Campbell House is both familiar and different in 2019 – the girls continue to strive for their personal best in all aspects of their school life, but also push themselves outside of their comfort zone to become closer to those in other year levels. An obvious sense of energy and newness abounds.
We welcome many new faces to the Campbell family that includes new Mentors, Co-Mentors, Year 7 students and new students to our family. I thoroughly enjoy walking through the Campbell area and hearing outbursts of laughter and beaming smiles as these women come together to learn from one another, encourage one another, but most of all, be kind to one another. In particular, a personal highlight of Term 1 was seeing Year 12 students collect their Year 7 buddy to show them around the Campbell area and introduce them to daily life at St Margaret’s.
Our House Captains, Darcy Hetherington and Zarli Corless, started the year superbly and led Campbell to a 2nd place finish at the House Swimming Carnival. Under their leadership, House Assembly was aligned with the new vertical wellbeing system with the introduction of a Mentor group challenge. Darcy and Zarli also planned a ‘speed dating’ activity for Galentine’s Day to further foster cross-age bonds.
I am incredibly proud of the way the Campbell ladies started 2019 with enthusiasm and a ‘can-do’ attitude; it bodes well for the rest of the school year!
Ms Whitney Stiles
Head of Campbell House