What does it mean to be a Battye Bulldog?
This is the question that all members of Battye House have been exploring over the first few weeks of Term during our House Mentor sessions.
The boys are working on a House Mission and Vision statement, which will also include values that the boys in Battye will live by whilst participating in House activities.
Our newest members of Battye House, our Year 7 students, have been developing stronger links with their peers on Year 7 camp whilst our Year 9 boys are in the second week of their City Cite experience.
Our Year 8 students eagerly boarded the bus for a week of fun and excitement at Wilson’s Promontory.
Overall, the House has had a smooth start to the year as we work to develop strong links to the House, and each other, in line with this term’s theme of Belonging.
Mr Andrew Lardner
Head of Battye House