Y11 Biology – Observing adaptations on a Rocky Foreshore
Year 11 students ventured all the way to Barwon Heads for an informative and successful field trip to meet the outcomes of Unit 1 Biology.
Under the guidance of Phil from Marine Freshwater Discovery Centre (MFDC) students took part in a transect sampling activity of a rocky foreshore using tides as their abiotic factor.
Students gained an appreciation of the way marine species adapt to not only survive, but thrive in these challenging conditions, especially when some of these species are “sessile” and are literally at the mercy of the tides for their nourishment, reproductive strategies, and protection.
The entire cohort took on roles as they sampled a 40 metre section of the Barwon Head Bluff. After short walk around the corner of the bluff, they also realized their one data collection was not enough to draw conclusions as they observed completely different terrain including a change in rock types and while the same species were observed, their distribution differed.
Back at the MFDC students participated in a Galeolaria community prac. Students were tasked to break apart a worm tube colony to reveal all manner of organisms, they had to identify them, determine their feeding relationships and ascertain if there were any keynote species.