Year 10 BGS Mock Interview Day
The BGS Year 10 boys experienced a mock job interview on Friday 18 November. They had constructed their resumes and cover letters in Futures classes and had also completed some preparation for the interview.
The mock interviews were held at the Berwick Campus of Federation / Monash University. This campus is being shared by the two universities in 2017, with Federation University taking over in 2018.
The boys each had a 20-minute time slot and the interviews were spread over the morning. The boys each nominated for a particular job and attempted to convince the employers of their suitability.Feedback from the panel of employers was extremely positive. They complimented the Year 10s on their presentation and ability to communicate clearly. Each student received an evaluation form from their interviewer with feedback.
In the afternoon the boys attended a presentation from both Federation and Monash Universities and then participated in two workshops. One involved a panel of university students talking about their experiences and the other had the boys working in small groups trying to come up with a business idea and then convincing a panel that it was worth backing.
A big thank you to our volunteer employers and congratulations to the Year 10 boys who were most impressive on the day.
Tony Sheahan, Careers Counsellor