Year 8 Wilsons Prom Experience
On Monday 11 February our 2019 Year 8 cohort for headed out on camp to face a week of physical challenges in the rugged beauty of Wilsons Promontory.
Upon arrival students had opportunities to hone their teamwork and leadership skills from the very beginning of camp as well as develop resilience whilst working in challenging conditions. The boys and girls were faced with the challenge of setting up their tents in extremely blustery conditions and many groups had to prepare their first meals of camp in the dark.
Day 2 brought even more challenging weather that saw some groups’ programs change to accommodate the windy conditions. Stand-Up Paddleboarding in gale force winds was certainly interesting. In addition, students took on a range of activities including hiking Mt Oberon, daily hikes to other various locations, overnight camping, preparing meals and all while facing rainy and/or windy conditions. (Many tents were flooded, and it was a common sight to see tents flying off in the wind!)
On completion of camp all the teachers and OEG (Outdoor Education Group) staff were incredibly impressed with the resilience and personal achievements shown by all students throughout the week. Staff and students returned from camp tired and certainly looking forward to a shower and a comfortable bed – but undoubtedly feeling a sense of accomplishment
Ms Fiona Foreman
Mentor – Forsyth House