Our approach to learning is both innovative and traditional, adopting 21st century pedagogies whilst also appreciating that enduring values denote men of character embody regardless of generation-courage, respect for self and others, integrity and compassion.
Our purpose built and designed facilities for boys enable the freedom for physical expression and appreciation that self-discipline provides the framework for achieving any goal. A wonderful new High Performance Athletic Centre strongly demonstrates our commitment to the adage of a “healthy body and a healthy mind” integral to a holistic approach to educating each boy for the man he will one day become. The best education for boys is one rich in nurturing the mind, but must also seek to nurture the heart and spirit of each student. At our school this type of learning for each boy occurs as much in the outdoors, on the sporting field, as a member of a debating team or musical ensemble as it does in the Mathematics or Geography classroom.

Our dedicated team of boyologists (teachers skilled in both teaching and reaching boys through relational learning) are focused on how we best prepare each boy who enters our gates for the successful completion of examinations, but also to lead a fulfilling and honourable life with a strong moral compass.
These boyologists, not only teach boys, they also have the expertise and experience to connect with boys, meaning that we strive to form the nurturing relationship with each boy to enable him to consider the many roles he will confront beyond our gates-father, husband, partner, employer, employee, leader and servant in the broader community.
We believe that a successful education for each boy is to be known, valued, celebrated and cared for in an environment which promotes challenge, excellence, achievement and personal growth. A successful education for the world our boys will enter as men is one in which they will be required to have skills as much as knowledge. Our House based wellbeing system promotes these skills by providing a smaller community for each boy within the larger school community where he is led, mentored and nurtured by peers as much as teachers.
We seek to provide each boys with the necessary skills in our wellbeing curriculum to think both creatively and critically to resolve conflict and solve problems but to also develop the type of interpersonal capacities which will enable them to thrive as articulate, confident and respectful men.