Music Scholarships

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is a leading institution in the Performing Arts in Australia. It provides a holistic Performing Arts education for students including unique co-curricular performance opportunities.

With a strong classroom curriculum, a flourishing instrumental music program, and a comprehensive ensemble program, the school focuses on the development of the next generation of musicians, actors, dancers, and creative young people. Embodied within the Performing Arts program, all students will learn, understand, and outwork the school values of Courage, Curiosity, Character, and Respect.

Please review Key Information before applying

Apply for a Scholarship

Key Information:


  • 2025 Music Scholarships are available for students entering the School in Years 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in 2027.
  • Applications for Music Scholarships close at 4.00 pm on Friday 25 April 2025.
  • Only Music Scholarship Applications applied for through the School’s Scholarship Application Form will be considered.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be asked to audition for a Scholarship.
  • Music Scholarships consist of 50% remission from annual Tuition Fees and 100% remission from weekly term time instrument tuition (one instrument).

Please Note:

  • The cost of any additional music tuition, including music theory lessons, books, and AMEB examinations will be the responsibility of the parent and does not form part of the Scholarship terms.
  • Music scholars are required to undertake elective Music studies to VCE level and must also participate in the co-curricular music programs offered at St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar. This includes participation in the relevant Junior or Senior Choir and instrumental ensembles.

Scholarship Criteria and Requirements

  • All instruments will be considered.
  • Instruments such as voice and piano, will receive less of a consideration as the ability to contribute to ensembles and the program is less, as compared to orchestral based instruments.
  • It’s advised that students applying for Junior School Music Scholarships should be performing at least an AMEB Grade 3 Standard on their chosen instrument.
  • It’s advised that  students applying for Senior School Music Scholarships should be performing at least an AMEB Grade 5 Standard on their chosen instrument.
  • To be considered ALL candidates must provide (upload) the following information in their application:
    • Most recent school report (upload to Student’s most recent school report (e.g. semester 2)
    • Second most recent school report (upload to Student’s second most recent school report (e.g. semester 1)
    • Latest NAPLAN results (upload to Student’s NAPLAN)
    • Candidates’ digital portfolio (upload to Portfolio documents to support scholarship(s) – Single PDF Document containing copies of achievements, certificates, references and links to videos of performances and concerts.
    • Complete the Music Scholarship specific questions.


  • Auditions will be held between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 20 May 2025 in the Performing Arts Centre at the Berwick Campus.
  • Candidates are provided with a 15-minute audition time.
  • Candidates must prepare and perform two contrasting works on their chosen instrument or voice.
  • Candidates may have a recorded accompaniment or bring their own accompanist. An accompanist will not be provided.
  • A Grand Piano will be available in the room for all music auditions.
  • Sheet music for each work should be presented for the selection panel.
  • The audition may include sight-reading and aural testing.
  • Candidates should be prepared to talk about their musical experiences, performance experiences and achievements.
  • Candidates will be asked questions about how they will contribute to the SMBG Performing Arts Faculty.


Following auditions, successful candidates will be asked to interview with the Principal, or her delegate before being offered a scholarship in writing.


For further information regarding enrolments or the Scholarship Program, please contact the Admissions Office on (03) 9703 8111 or

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

This varies each year and depends on the calibre of candidates.

This Scholarship can provide up to 50% remission of annual tuition fees and 100% remission of music tuition fees for tuition undertaken at the school in one instrument – which includes voice.

Existing students of St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar can apply for all Scholarships.

The Scholarship Application Fee covers the services of the School’s organisation of these scholarships.

Applicants should select and practice the two contrasting works on a single instrument that they will perform at their audition. These pieces should demonstrate their current level of playing, musicianship, and technique.

Please note that there will be a piano and music stand available, but no accompanist provided. If students need accompaniment, they may use a recorded backing or bring an accompanist.

School uniform or comfortable casual clothes.

After attendance at the Music Scholarship Audition, short-listed performers will be invited to attend an interview with the Principal or relevant Head of School, the exact day/time will be arranged by the Admission’s Office.

Parents of all unsuccessful candidates will be notified by email as soon as all decisions have been made.

Your child can audition for the scholarship via video conference.

Your child can audition for the scholarship via video conference if you live than a 3-hour drive from the school.