Purpose, Philosophy and Plan

St Margaret's Berwick Grammar is a leading Early Learning to VCE independent private school for boys and girls.

Our learning program is guided by our Vision and School Values which are embedded in every decision we make. These guiding principles, combined with adherence to contemporary educational research allow us to deliver a contemporary educational model that guides every child to discover their passion and achieve their full potential.

Our Vision

“To encourage children to strive to be their best self, now and in the future, for the betterment of all humanity and the planet”.


We action our Vision through our Schools Values of:

  • COURAGE to do the right thing
  • CURIOSITY to know and learn
  • CHARACTER to be one’s self
  • RESPECT to live wisely & compassionately with others & the planet

These values have been developed through engagement with key stakeholder groups (students, parents, staff, alumni and our Council) and sit at the heart of our education community, guiding every aspect of our learning and decision making. Our strategic plan has been developed and is being actioned through this lens.

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Our Educational Philosophy

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is defined as Berwick Campus and Officer Campus.

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar supports and abides by the principles and practices of the Australian democracy in its practices as an educational provider. The School in its operations is committed to the election of government, the  rule of  law, equal  rights for all before the law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and association, as well as the values of openness and tolerance.

At St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar students embark upon a dynamic educational journey that shapes their physical, intellectual, social and emotional development. Our core values of Curiosity, Courage, Character and Respect, together with the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile, underpins the educational philosophy of the school.

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar endeavors to create for its students a supportive environment where they can grow in confidence and self-esteem. With caring staff and  motivated students, the central philosophy of the school is that everyone strives to achieve their personal best. Hard work is important and so too is the  notion of ‘doing what is right’, with both being evident in the school’s motto Virtute et Labore as well as in the day-to-day life of the school itself.

A commitment to community unites the campuses enabling students to develop a strong sense of belonging to their school. Leadership through Service further extends each student’s ability to contribute with confidence to their school and  local community, and to  participate as a valuable citizen in the wider community and global contexts.

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is well-known for two central achievements: academic success and the nurturing of community. This powerful combination promotes a sense of connectedness and belonging, allowing students to feel secure in setting challenging goals for themselves. With encouragement and the opportunity to develop their talents, students frequently excel in music, sport, the arts, mathematics, sciences, and humanities. Our main goal is that they excel in life, discovering a path that will be engaging, meaningful and personally fulfilling.

As the leading pedagogical approach of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) in the Junior School, the inquiry process recognises students as being actively involved in their own learning and taking responsibility for that learning through agency and  engagement  – positive benefits and approaches that continue through their secondary years. A commitment to academic excellence, together with the development of “good people/citizens” is the shared goal of students and staff.

The St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar learning community recognises that education is a social endeavour benefiting all its members individually and collectively. It prioritises people and their relationships and is committed to inclusivity and diversity in a dynamic learning environment. Diversity is respected in all contexts and difference is embraced as a means of enriching experience, broadening understanding and extending friendships, promoting cultural safety for indigenous children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

At St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar, a safe and caring environment is created where students, staff and parents form a cooperative partnership based upon honesty, integrity and mutual respect.