Purpose, Philosophy and Plan

St Margaret's Berwick Grammar is a leading Early Learning to VCE independent private school for boys and girls.

Our learning program is guided by our Vision and School Values which are embedded in every decision we make. These guiding principles, combined with adherence to contemporary educational research allow us to deliver a contemporary educational model that guides every child to discover their passion and achieve their full potential.

Our School Vision

“To encourage children to strive to be their best self, now and in the future, for the betterment of all humanity and the planet”.


We action our Vision through our Schools Values

Our School Values of Courage, Curiosity, Character and Respect have been developed through engagement with key stakeholder groups (students, parents, staff, alumni and our Council) and sit at the heart of our education community, guiding every aspect of our learning and decision making. Our strategic plan was developed and is actioned through this lens.

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COURAGE to do the right thing 

Strategic Intent

  • Through employing staff that are themselves knowledgeable and wise risk takers, passionate and reflective leaders in their fields and humble learners who engender the same in their students.
  • Ensuring that School leadership promotes relational trust that gives staff and students the support they need to try new things.
  • Providing opportunities for student to develop self-knowledge and knowledge of the skills and practices required to lead self and others.

Strategic Outcome

  • Ensure all staff are capable of driving innovation and embracing change.
  • The Principal will be an instructional leader and effective role model for staff and students and places high value on building social, human and professional capital in an environment of high relational trust.
  • Encourage and support students to have the courage to lead change through authentic opportunities for leadership, advocacy, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship within a framework of ethical understanding.

CURIOSITY to know and learn 

Strategic Intent

  • That results in the development of passionate and confident learners who strive for educational excellence, while understanding that others may have different ways of knowing and being.
  • Curiosity that builds intercultural understanding & intercultural competence that supports our students to live in our future world and make a positive difference to the lives of others.

Strategic Outcome

  • Ensure a culture of rigor and striving for excellence in all fields of endeavour.
  • Provide educational programs that challenge, enhance curiosity and creativity by knowing each student as a learner and as a young person. Provide programs that encourage young people to become comfortable with uncertainty, challenge and change and that enable students to explore and provide innovative solutions to real world problems.
  • Ensure opportunities for students to test themselves nationally and internationally through involvement in a range of competitions, endeavours and tests. Encourage students and teachers to explore technologies that result in solutions to real world problems.
  • Provide curricular and co-curricular programs and opportunities that enable students to develop attitudes, knowledge and skills to live successfully as global citizens.
  • Recognise that support of Mother Tongue, multilingualism and language learning opens minds and hearts to other ways of knowing and being. Develop knowledge and understanding of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders so that we may learn from and with them.
  • Look to the Asia Pacific region as a source of knowledge and experiences that may foster better understanding and thinking for staff and students.
  • Ensure opportunities exist for staff to receive feedback and contribute to the body of educational knowledge nationally and globally.
  • Enable ESS staff to feel part of the educational journey of all students through involvement in initiatives across the School.

CHARACTER to be one’s self 

Strategic Intent

  • That enables young people to know themselves academically, physically, emotionally and socially to enable them to embrace the future with confidence, resilience and responsibility.

Strategic Outcome

  • Ensure an environment that supports the wellbeing of all staff and students so that all embrace their own identity, are resilient and thrive so that they may contribute ethically to the lives of others.
  • Facilitate relationships across campuses, across year levels and across the community to promote connectedness and provide opportunities to explore passions that in turn contribute to wellbeing.
  • Understand self and others to ensure a safe and inclusive environment that acknowledges all that different cultures and ways of being can contribute thus empowering all to engage in action that will make a positive contribution to the lives of others.

RESPECT to live wisely & compassionately with others & the planet 

Strategic Intent

  • That fosters an embracing, connected community that honoursits past and present so that communication is maximised and that our community grows in trust and openness.
  • Respect also that facilitates the highest levels of governance, financial and other operations, and sustainability regarding the environment, culture and enrolments.
  • We are committed to building a strong culture of Philanthropy and seek partnerships that enhance the functioning of all aspects of the school, particularly student learning.

Strategic Outcome

  • Ensure facilities and resource allocation maximise effective learning and support the development of the School virtues in all.
  • Encourage the growth of service learning through engagement with local, national and international communities.
  • Develop local, national and international partnerships to create collaborative transnational digital and face to face learning opportunities.
  • Maximise enrolments through contemporary and savvy enrolment and admissions thinking, effective and targeted scholarship programs, and prudent and wise profiling so that fee levels are appropriate for our community.
  • Ensure sound and prudent financial management to enable a surplus for investment in exemplary and innovative programs, technology and infrastructure.
  • Support and develop staff underpinned by the highest level of risk management and workplace health and safety.
  • Facilitate the revised Master Plan to reflect what we know about good learning and teaching and engender the growth of the virtues of Curiosity, Courage, Character and Respect.
  • Foster strong relationships with current and past parents, Old Boys and Girls and the broader community. Facilitate opportunities to maximise parent engagement, as appropriate, with their children’s school.
  • Ensure all publications and media foster a sense of inclusion, pride and reflect the values of the school and the rich opportunities for students. Ensure the history and traditions of the school are honoured and celebrated with the community.
  • Develop a strong culture of Philanthropy and service to humanity and the environment.
  • Ensure all members of the community feel connected, valued and listened to.

Current Strategic Plan

Our Educational Philosophy

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is defined as Berwick Campus and Officer Campus.

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar supports and abides by the principles and practices of the Australian democracy in its practices as an educational provider. The School in its operations is committed to the election of government, the  rule of  law, equal  rights for all before the law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and association, as well as the values of openness and tolerance.

At St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar students embark upon a dynamic educational journey that shapes their physical, intellectual, social and emotional development. Our core values of Curiosity, Courage, Character and Respect, together with the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile, underpins the educational philosophy of the school.

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar endeavors to create for its students a supportive environment where they can grow in confidence and self-esteem. With caring staff and  motivated students, the central philosophy of the school is that everyone strives to achieve their personal best. Hard work is important and so too is the  notion of ‘doing what is right’, with both being evident in the school’s motto Virtute et Labore as well as in the day-to-day life of the school itself.

A commitment to community unites the campuses enabling students to develop a strong sense of belonging to their school. Leadership through Service further extends each student’s ability to contribute with confidence to their school and  local community, and to  participate as a valuable citizen in the wider community and global contexts.

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is well-known for two central achievements: academic success and the nurturing of community. This powerful combination promotes a sense of connectedness and belonging, allowing students to feel secure in setting challenging goals for themselves. With encouragement and the opportunity to develop their talents, students frequently excel in music, sport, the arts, mathematics, sciences, and humanities. Our main goal is that they excel in life, discovering a path that will be engaging, meaningful and personally fulfilling.

As the leading pedagogical approach of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) in the Junior School, the inquiry process recognises students as being actively involved in their own learning and taking responsibility for that learning through agency and  engagement  – positive benefits and approaches that continue through their secondary years. A commitment to academic excellence, together with the development of “good people/citizens” is the shared goal of students and staff.

The St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar learning community recognises that education is a social endeavour benefiting all its members individually and collectively. It prioritises people and their relationships and is committed to inclusivity and diversity in a dynamic learning environment. Diversity is respected in all contexts and difference is embraced as a means of enriching experience, broadening understanding and extending friendships, promoting cultural safety for indigenous children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

At St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar, a safe and caring environment is created where students, staff and parents form a cooperative partnership based upon honesty, integrity and mutual respect.