Governance at St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is led by our School Council.
The School Council is made of up to 10 councilors who have a broad range of skills and experience in a variety of fields including academia, finance, law, and various building industries. Up to four (4) members are appointed, up to five (5) members are elected and one Old Girls and Old Boys Association representative.
A Vital Role
The Council plays a vital role in the educational opportunity and outcomes of all students at the school by setting the long-term future for the school and maintaining oversight of the school’s operation. Four of the critical roles of the School Council are appointing the Principal, developing the strategic plan, approving the annual budget, and setting and reviewing policies.
St Margaret’s School is a Company limited by guarantee, trading as St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar, and is constituted as a not-for- profit (NFP) organisation.
Members of School Council
Mrs Fiona Templar CA; CPA; B. Bus (Acc)
- President of School Council
- Chair, Executive and Governance Committee
- Finance and Risk Management Committee
- Building and Grounds Committee
- St Margaret’s School and Berwick Grammar School Foundation Limited
Mr Patrick Brennan Dip Building & Construction; Licensed Plumber; Dip Project Management
- Deputy President of School Council
- Executive and Governance Committee
- Finance and Risk Management Committee
- Chair, Buildings and Grounds Committee
Mr Dominic Elfick M. Sc; B. Sc (Hons) Agriculture
- Building and Grounds Committee
Prof. Tim Lindsey AO FAHA FAIIA; BA (Hons); B Litt (Hons); LLB; Ph D
Mrs Abbey Madden
Dr Alex Newman B Laws; MA Japanese, Ph D, GCAP
Mr Sam Pritchard Assoc Dip of Information Technology (Computing); Graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors; Project Management Professional
- Chair, Finance and Risk Management Committee
Ms Amy Ridgway B. Sc (Aquaculture); M. Property
- Buildings and Grounds Committee
- Old Girls and Boys Representative
Mrs Julia Utan B. Eng (Mechanical and Computing); MBA