Camp Jungai
The Year 7 boys loaded the buses and headed off up the Black Spur to Camp Jungai for a week long camp experience. What an experience we had!
Severe wind warnings had us leave the offsite campsite to pitch tents in the dark at Jungai followed the next night by sleeping under tarpaulins in the first decent downpour of rain seen in Rubicon for a long time. Chopping, cooking and cleaning their own dinner, lunch and breakfast was an experience that the boys reveled in.
Everyone was ecstatic to see sunshine for the final three days of canoeing, raft building, orienteering and high ropes. Boys were treated to a fantastic cultural session run by Aunty during the day where she showed the boys how to wash their hands with natural leaf soap and native mint bushes that were safe to eat. The evening session with Aunty and Uncle Roy was a rich blend of stories and indigenous weapons. Mr Pieper’s expertise on the didgeridoo was a treat to listen to.
Thank you to the staff at BGS and OEG for a wonderful time at Camp Jungai. To the boys and their families, thank you for all of your effort, for extending your comfort zone limits to new places and for the smiles and stories.
Ms Kate Jackson
Year 7 Coordinator