DAV Debating (Round 1)
St Margaret’s Senior School made a strong start to the 2018 DAV Debating season and the girls who participated can be very proud of their impressive speaking skills and ability to construct logical and convincing arguments. Our B Grade team, all three of our C Grade teams and two D Grade teams won their debates on the evening. Additionally, we had eight girls awarded Best Speaker of their debate by the adjudicators. Congratulations to the following girls: Pranjal Pokhalekar, Sabrina Ward, Naomi Drego, Priya Walker, Devindi Ambawatta, Meagan Hansen, Deanna Kuruwitage and Anvi Agarwal. All girls worked collaboratively within their teams to brainstorm ideas and prepare their speeches. We look forward to seeing how they fare in Round 2 of the competition on Thursday April 19. Family and friends are most welcome to attend to support our teams.
Mrs Rebecca Fernandes
Debating Coordinator