Stage 3 Student Leadership

In Term 4 the focus of student leadership shifts to the younger year levels.  Now that all 2020 Year 12 leaders have been appointed, we provide opportunities for younger boys to learn about leadership, service and work in teams led by other students.

With the new emphasis on the House System, House Leadership positions provide an excellent opportunity for boys to make a difference in the lives of their peers.  Many boys have also expressed an interest in the leadership positions for Sport and Art and Design.

Both the Environment Team and the Student Representative Council have not capped members, and invite all interested parties to become a leader in the team.  At our last assembly, both teams spoke about current projects with Connor Beck and Ashton Keramidas inviting boys into the garden, and 2020 SRC and Social Service Captains Kurt Caddy and Angus Bares inviting boys into their new SRC vision.

For students outside of Year 11, applications close Monday 18 November.

Ms Lauren Cook
Head of Senior Boys, Wellbeing