St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is committed to a ‘Full Uniform with Pride’ policy.
Our school uniform provides us with not only a good practical everyday uniform, but a sense of identity and belonging. Students attending St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar are expected to wear our full school uniform at all times. High standards are required with regard to dress and appearance. Students act as ambassadors for the School when wearing school uniforms both inside and outside the school environment.

When students are seen in public, they must be wearing the full uniform and all items must be part of the uniform set. For example, it is not appropriate for a student to wear the uniform in public with non-uniform shoes, cap, jumper etc. All items of clothing should be clearly named so that they can be readily recovered from lost property and returned to the owner.
The School has two uniforms: Summer Uniform – Term 1 and Term 4 Winter Uniform – Term 2 and Term 3.
To accommodate the variable weather in Melbourne, a transition period in the first three weeks of Term 2 only allows students the option on a daily basis to select either the summer or winter uniform.