Why Choose a St Margaret's Berwick Grammar for a Girls Education?
We aspire to develop young women with the character, values, skills and confidence necessary to be global citizens, ready to both lead and serve to continue the fine traditions of our near century old educational institution. Set in the heart of Berwick village on expansive on beautiful grounds, our community is the right size to appreciate, value and hear each and every student whillst providing our young people with the opportunities to grow and experience excellence in an environment which strives to nurture, guide and grow women of intregity, intellect and compassion. Here is just a selection of the rich tapestry of opportunity and experience which constitues the educational opportunities at St Margaret's Berwick Grammar Senior Girl's Campus.

All Girls
We offer a distinctive education for girls on our dedicated senior girls’ campus. This allows us to tailor education programs to meet the needs of girls. It also provides girls with a safe environment that allows them to explore interests and passions free from stereotypes, empowering them to a ‘can do’ attitude.

A demonstration of the power of an all-girl environment is the interest and uptake of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects by the girls. Historically the school significantly over indexes in these areas including in 2019 when 76% of girls went on to study a STEM subject at university.

Class Sizes
Our class sizes are small, which allows us to provide each girl with the attention she needs to progress in an area. Our average class sizes in the senior girls’ school in 2019 were 13.15 students and 9.88 in VCE classes.

World Class Teaching
Our staff are selected for their passion and expertise in their fields. Many of our teaching staff are or have been VCE examiners, so they truly understand the curriculum. Through our Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) our staff are supported in their ongoing professional development ensuring our staff are continuously growing and building on their knowledge and skills.

Our girls consistently achieve academically. Results are demonstrated through our NAPLAN results which are not only significantly above the national average but also show year on year growth and through our VCE results where 66% of the girls went on to study at Monash or Melbourne universities (2019).

We offer a wide range of sports and activities, which we believe are critical to providing a holistic education where every child can find and develop a passion. Our activities include our renowned music and performing arts program as well as the Girls’ Sport Victoria program which means no Saturday sports program. Activities regularly bring our schools together including the boys, helping to develop social and creative interactions.

Outdoor Education
Outdoor education brings the outside in and inside out, bringing learning to life. Our programs are not only designed to enhance curriculum learning but to build a girl’s character and confidence through activities that build self-awareness, self-reliance, teamwork, critical thinking, resilience, and grit that helps to progress their empowerment journey.

Global Outlook
Global citizenship is central to our school vision and values as we aim to develop students who are ready to take their place in a global community and ethically seize opportunities. We develop this through our curriculum, service, study tour and exchange streams as well as through specific programs like our recognised Certificate of Global Responsibility.

A happy known child is a child that open to learning. Therefore, wellbeing sits alongside academic development at the centre of everything we do. Girls are supported through their journey at the school through our Empower program, which leverage our House System framework bringing together academic progress, Heads of House and mentors to deliver age appropriate support that can be tailored to the individual.