Dr Ron Rosanove (Patron)
Past parent and has always been involved with the school. Ron continues his involvement as a patron of the Unicorn Fellowship. ‘Philanthropy provides satisfaction to the donor as well as the recipient.’

Mrs Lorraine Mackenzie (Patron)
Past student (class of 1954), Life Governor of the school, and is honoured to become a patron of the Unicorn Fellowship. ‘We shape our buildings, therafter they shape us.’ Sir Winston Churchill.

What is the Unicorn Fellowship?
The Unicorn Fellowship is an initiative of St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar Foundation. It is designed to give valued members of the school community an opportunity to keep shaping the future by supporting the school’s development through a bequest, which is a gift specified in your Will which provides a way for you to make a lasting gift while still enjoying your assets during your lifetime.

Importance of a Bequest
A bequest is a very personal decision. If you are considering a bequest to St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar there are several ways in which you can make this valuable contribution to the School including:
- By bequeathing, through your Will, a specific sum of money, entirely of your choice, which may be a fixed amount or a percentage of your estate.
- By bequeathing, through your Will, non-cash assets such as property, paintings, shares; or
- By having a living bequest. Some people choose to gift their bequest now rather than update or prepare a will.
Through conversations with the Foundation, you may choose how you would like your bequest to be used. Some options include:
- General Purpose
- Building Fund
- Scholarship Fund
- General Excellence
- Academic
- Music
- Principal’s
We expect that the generosity you provide to the students of today and tomorrow will foster a desire for those students to contribute to the growth and wellbeing of their peers and those who follow them, providing an unending bridge between past, present and future, building a united community with common values.

The Unicorn Fellowship Charter
- We will always respect your privacy. We recognise and appreciate that your Will is completely personal to you.
- We will give you and your family as much choice as we can about how and where your gift will be used to make a difference to the education of future generations.
- We will use your gift carefully and cost-effectively so that it has the greatest impact on our school.
- We will give you the opportunity to be connected with the work we do, which is made possible by gifts like yours.
- We will administer whatever gift you leave us efficiently, and, also with care, sensitivity and respect.

Become a member of the Unicorn Fellowship
If you wish to indicate your support for St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar by making a bequest and becoming a member of the Unicorn Fellowship, please complete the enclosed form and return it to the school.
Benefits of becoming a member:
- Uniquely designed lapel pin
- Recognition on Unicorn Fellowship Honour Board
- Regular Unicorn Fellowship newsletters
- VIP invitations to special events
- Annual Principal’s Luncheon

Suggested Wording for your Bequest in your Will
Should you decide to gift a bequest to the school the following suggested wording is provided for your solicitor, trustee company, or the Public Trustee for your Will:
1. I give to St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar (ABN 49 004 260 995) to:
1.1 The St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School or its general purposes.
1.2 The St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School or its building fund.
1.3 The St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School for its scholarship fund.
2. I declare that the receipt of the secretary, treasurer or another proper officer of the nominated beneficiary will be a full discharge for my trustees who will not be bound to see its application.
To find out more and to talk to the foundation about the provision of a bequest, please contact Mrs. Mary-Jo Cochrane, Head of Philanthropy