2024 Employer of Choice
St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar is delighted to be awarded the title ‘Employer of Choice’ by The Educator again! The award required schools to provide quantitative and qualitative evidence to demonstrate performance as a leading workplace. The key areas deemed critical through the review process of delivering a positive employee experience included remuneration; training and professional … Continued

Congratulations to Dr Annette Rome
Congratulations to Dr Annette Rome FACE FACEL, our highly regarded Principal, who has been nominated for the prestigious School Principal of the Year – Non-government in the Australian Education Awards 2023. This accolade reflects Dr Rome’s leadership at our School over the past 7 years, along with a distinguished career of over 3 decades in … Continued

Congratulations To The Class of 2022!
What a stunning year it has been at St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar! We have marvelled at the remarkable achievements of our young people across the breadth and diversity of our holistic offerings. Our strategic emphasis on the pursuit of excellence and achievement in Academia, Athleticism, Artistry and Adventure serves to provide a strong platform for … Continued

From the Principal – 3 June 2020
Dear St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar Community, It is with some surprise that I noted my last Campus News was at the end of Term 1. How the world has changed since then. Recently, communications have been focussed on COVID-19 related updates and wellbeing matters associated with the COVID-19 situation. I do hope that the … Continued

From the Principal – 26 March
This is one of the more unusual Campus News articles I have had to write. I am sitting alone in a very quiet building that normally would be replete with chatter, children and colleagues (as indeed it should be, given the need for self-distancing). While I could share quotes and reflections of others, I actually … Continued

From the Principal – 12 March 2020
The year seems to tumble from one challenge to another. The potential to be overwhelmed is certainly ever present and all of us in education worry as to the effects of different stressors on our young people. At St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar, we recognise this and are doing what we can to ameliorate triggers and … Continued

COVID-19 – Update
Dear Parents and Guardians, The wellbeing of all our students and families is of paramount importance to all at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School. As we are aware, the COVID-19 virus geography and infection rates are continuing to grow across the world. For this reason, we will continue to communicate with our community as … Continued

From the Principal – 27 February 2020
It has been a challenging week for school communities this week in Australia. Though at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar we self-assess ourselves routinely, as a result of recent events in other schools I believe it prudent to reflect on our own practices: specifically those regarding how we care for those young people for whom … Continued

Strategies for Managing Anxiety
The following advice is taken from an article published on the Mindshift website: https://www.kqed.org/mindshift/54238/your-strategies-for-supporting-anxious-kids-at-home-and-at-school Teachers and parents all over the country are noticing an increase in mental health issues, including anxiety, among students. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates a third of adolescents in the United States have been or will be seriously affected by anxiety … Continued

Principal Welcome to 2020 – 13 February 2020
Dear St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar Community It has been a busy start to the year. For many the break was filled with joy while others faced challenges related to our bushfires and or issues concerning the novel Coronavirus. I am always struck by the haven schools become in such times. Families and children often … Continued