Wellbeing Hive

Epilepsy Smart School

Epilepsy Smart School

Fewer than 5% schools nationally are Epilepsy Smart Schools. We are proud to be one of them.  

Cautiously Carefree!

Cautiously Carefree!

A Meditation on Connection

A Meditation on Connection

What’s Your Personal Mantra?

What’s Your Personal Mantra?

How Are You Talking To Yourself?

How Are You Talking To Yourself?

How To Turn A Bad Situation Around

How To Turn A Bad Situation Around

How To Master Your Habits For Success!

How To Master Your Habits For Success!

How to Make the Most of the Loosening of Restrictions

How to Make the Most of the Loosening of Restrictions

Why Do We Escape to Nature?

Why Do We Escape to Nature?

Courage and Determination

Courage and Determination

A Focus on Mental Health

A Focus on Mental Health

Many Ways to be Mindful!

Many Ways to be Mindful!

Supporting Your Child’s Return to School Again

Supporting Your Child’s Return to School Again

The Social Dilemma

The Social Dilemma

In A World of Distraction, Why Do We Need Quiet?

In A World of Distraction, Why Do We Need Quiet?

Understanding Your Child’s Gaming

Understanding Your Child’s Gaming

Confronting Our Negativity Bias

Confronting Our Negativity Bias

Managing The Constant Distraction…

Managing The Constant Distraction…

Holidays in Lockdown

Holidays in Lockdown

What Do Our Girls Need Right Now?

What Do Our Girls Need Right Now?

Fear as a Sign You Care?

Fear as a Sign You Care?

Can You Make Friends With Negative Emotions?

Can You Make Friends With Negative Emotions?



Keys To Happiness?

Keys To Happiness?

Get Inspired!

Get Inspired!

Let’s Not Throw It All Away…

Let’s Not Throw It All Away…

What Does ‘Essential’ Mean Anyway?

What Does ‘Essential’ Mean Anyway?

Talking to Boys About Intimacy

Talking to Boys About Intimacy

What Does Puzzling Teach You?

What Does Puzzling Teach You?

Why Trying New Things Is Still So Important

Why Trying New Things Is Still So Important

Make Working From Home Work For You!

Make Working From Home Work For You!

Readers are Leaders – Can You Learn to Become a Better Reader?

Readers are Leaders – Can You Learn to Become a Better Reader?

Managing Some Hard Truths….

Managing Some Hard Truths….

Adapting to an Unfamiliar World…

Adapting to an Unfamiliar World…

A Model for Strengths-Based Mentoring

A Model for Strengths-Based Mentoring

Introducing the Skodel Check-In Tool!

Introducing the Skodel Check-In Tool!

Year 12 – Surviving the Coronacoaster

Year 12 – Surviving the Coronacoaster

Your Wellbeing Puzzle

Your Wellbeing Puzzle

A Few Words From The Wellbeing Hive….

A Few Words From The Wellbeing Hive….

Smiling From Behind Your Mask

Smiling From Behind Your Mask

Hacking Your Morning Routine

Hacking Your Morning Routine

Rediscover the Benefits of Board Games

Rediscover the Benefits of Board Games

What Have We Learned About Workplace Wellbeing in COVID19?

What Have We Learned About Workplace Wellbeing in COVID19?

How Do We Deal With The Uncertainty of the Coronavirus?

How Do We Deal With The Uncertainty of the Coronavirus?

Why Should We Post Positive?

Why Should We Post Positive?

The Dark Side of Character Strengths

The Dark Side of Character Strengths

Online Learning…. Again!

Online Learning…. Again!

How Does a Sense of Purpose Contribute to Our Lives?

How Does a Sense of Purpose Contribute to Our Lives?

What Did We Learn About Managing From The Last Lockdown?

What Did We Learn About Managing From The Last Lockdown?

How the Five Daily Habits Can Improve Your Day

How the Five Daily Habits Can Improve Your Day

What Role Does Humour Play in our Wellbeing?

What Role Does Humour Play in our Wellbeing?

How Do We Deal With the Possibility of Further Restrictions?

How Do We Deal With the Possibility of Further Restrictions?

Targeting Character Strengths

Targeting Character Strengths

What is the Ideal Holiday for a Senior Student?

What is the Ideal Holiday for a Senior Student?

Why ‘Just Do It’ Is The Way To Go

Why ‘Just Do It’ Is The Way To Go

Why Do We Need a Men’s Health Week?

Why Do We Need a Men’s Health Week?

Talking About Strengths

Talking About Strengths

Maintaining Your Mental Health

Maintaining Your Mental Health

The Temptation of Notifications…

The Temptation of Notifications…

Talking About Online Respect

Talking About Online Respect

Start Singing When You Are Up To Your Neck in Mud – Final Wisdom from Admiral McRaven

Start Singing When You Are Up To Your Neck in Mud – Final Wisdom from Admiral McRaven

Is It Time for Some Self-Care?

Is It Time for Some Self-Care?

A Case for Character Strengths

A Case for Character Strengths

Don’t Back Down from the Sharks – More Advice From Admiral McRaven

Don’t Back Down from the Sharks – More Advice From Admiral McRaven

Asking for help…

Asking for help…

What Happened to Ms/Mr Independent?

What Happened to Ms/Mr Independent?

Take Time Out From Each Other

Take Time Out From Each Other

Returning to Face-to-Face Learning

Returning to Face-to-Face Learning

Don’t Be Afraid of The Circus – More McRaven Wisdom

Don’t Be Afraid of The Circus – More McRaven Wisdom

Down Time vs Projects

Down Time vs Projects

When The Dust Settles…

When The Dust Settles…

How a Personal Project Might Improve Your Wellbeing

How a Personal Project Might Improve Your Wellbeing

Is it Normal? Recognising the Emotional Needs in Young People

Is it Normal? Recognising the Emotional Needs in Young People

Find Someone to Help You Paddle

Find Someone to Help You Paddle

Might We Be Better Off In Some Ways for COVID19?

Might We Be Better Off In Some Ways for COVID19?

Curiosity – A Wellbeing Element?

Curiosity – A Wellbeing Element?

Balancing Work, Your Child’s Education and Parenting

Balancing Work, Your Child’s Education and Parenting

Give Yourself a Break – Literally!

Give Yourself a Break – Literally!

If You Want to Change The World, Start by Making Your Bed

If You Want to Change The World, Start by Making Your Bed

Tips for Parents During COVID19

Tips for Parents During COVID19

Make Your Mindful Moment a Grateful One

Make Your Mindful Moment a Grateful One

Message for Year 12 Students During COVID19

Message for Year 12 Students During COVID19

How to Thrive With the Wellbeing Hive

How to Thrive With the Wellbeing Hive

Supporting Your Child’s Return to School (Again)!

When The Dust Settles…